Kyanna Harris

Kyanna HarrisAge: 4 (passed away February 10 2011-June 18th 2016) | Diagnosis: Neuroblastoma | Date of Diagnosis: 05/28/2014Kyanna is an adorable 4-year-old little girl who was diagnosed with High-Risk Neuroblastoma on May 28, 2014. The intended treatment plan was for...

Camryn Cruz

Camryn CruzAge: 8 (Passed away May 30th 2006-May5th 2016) | Diagnosis: relapsed metastatic alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma (aRMS) | Date of Diagnosis: 06/13/13Camryn Cruz is an eight-year-old boy that was diagnosed in 2013 with Alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma on his birthday. His...

Virginia Rose Vandermark

Virginia Rose VandermarkAge: 4 Passed away (February 1st, 2011- December 29, 2015) | Diagnosis: High-Risk AML with Monosomy 7 | Date of Diagnosis: 04/9/15On April 7th, 2015, Virginia Rose was taken to the Dr. for a rash that developed during Spring Break. Thinking we...

Isabella “Bella” Conroy

Isabella “Bella” ConroyAge: 4 | Diagnosis: Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia | Date of Diagnosis: 08/30/13Isabella’s first year was the worst; she got so sick so many times and spent months in the hospital. She has overcome a lot in this past year. From getting...

Ariel Rodriguez

Ariel RodriguezAge: 8 | Diagnosis: Neuroblastoma | Date of Diagnosis: 05/8/14Ariel was diagnosed with a rare childhood cancer called Neuroblastoma and started chemotherapy on Thursday, May 22nd, 2014, she has a long list of treatments ahead, but she is keeping her...