Corporate Champion Pledging
Lexi gained her wings, July 2019, after 3 years of fighting kidney Cancer.
Throughout her battle with cancer she remained positive and lifted others up around her.
Please consider a donation or sponsorship to help us continue our battle and help more children and families struggling with pediatric cancer.
Meet Piper, a feisty, red-headed two-year-old.
This past spring, her mother noticed she was limping. She took Piper to the doctor, who then sent her to Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP).
On May 16, 2019, the doctors at CHOP found a mass inside Piper’s belly, which was pushing down on her hip and causing the limp. On May 17, they discovered Piper has neuroblastoma, a rare cancer that accounts for 7-10% of childhood cancers. It has metastasized into her bones and other parts of her body (Stage M cancer).
Never in a million years did her mom think a limp would lead to this. At two years old, Piper is starting a long journey toward recovery.
Please consider a donation or sponsorship to help us continue our battle and help more children and families struggling with pediatric cancer.
On June 7th, our three-year-old son Jeremiah Michael was diagnosed with pediatric cancer called Rhabdomyosarcoma, just two days after having exploratory surgery to see what was causing his severe stomach pain. As anyone can imagine, our world was rocked as those are words that no parent ever wants to hear. Jeremiah is an active little boy who loves dinosaurs, being silly, Paw Patrol, and his older sister. Through all of his testing and doctors appointments at Penn State Hershey Children’s Hospital, he has not once asked why he is going through all of this.
He is one strong little guy!
Please consider a donation or sponsorship to help us continue our battle and help more children and families struggling with pediatric cancer.
Vincent is a sweet, innocent, baby boy who, at four months old, was diagnosed with ATRT, a rare, fast-growing cancerous brain tumor.
This type of tumor is found in less than 3% of pediatric brain tumors. Vincent has been fighting for his life ever since.
You can follow along in his journey on Facebook by searching “victory 4 vincent”
Please consider a donation or sponsorship to help us continue our battle and help more children and families struggling with pediatric cancer.
Please consider a donation or sponsorship to help us continue our battle and help more children and families struggling with pediatric cancer.
Please consider a donation or sponsorship to help us continue our battle and help more children and families struggling with pediatric cancer.
This past August 2019, Lucas was called home to his heavily Father.
A message from Lucas Mom…
Lucas, my sweet boy, you persevered and gained a well deserved crown and no doubt gorgeous angel wings.
I hope to one day understand “the bigger picture” of Lucas’ cancer and his death but for now I remain completely heart broken.
The pain of losing your child is exquisitely hard, devastating might be a better word but the thought of never knowing Lucas if far too painful to ever conceive.
Because dear Lucas you were a complete joy and abundant light to all that knew you. Your dad and my heart grew greater than we knew possible the moment we met you.
We were blessed with the amazing task of loving you all 314 days that you lived on this earth.
We are so grateful to have known your beautiful soul and create wonderful, joyful memories that we will treasure always.
Buddy, we miss you terribly but we will be okay. You enjoy your beautiful, pain free body in heaven with your two doggies, Gracie and Sammie.
We love you so very much. Come visit us sometime 💕🦖
Please consider a donation or sponsorship to help us continue our battle and help more children and families struggling with pediatric cancer.
Please consider a donation or sponsorship to help us continue our battle and help more children and families struggling with pediatric cancer.
Please consider a donation or sponsorship to help us continue our battle and help more children and families struggling with pediatric cancer.
Please consider a donation or sponsorship to help us continue our battle and help more children and families struggling with pediatric cancer.
Please consider a donation or sponsorship to help us continue our battle and help more children and families struggling with pediatric cancer.
Please consider a donation or sponsorship to help us continue our battle and help more children and families struggling with pediatric cancer.
Please consider a donation or sponsorship to help us continue our battle and help more children and families struggling with pediatric cancer.
Please consider a donation or sponsorship to help us continue our battle and help more children and families struggling with pediatric cancer.
Please consider a donation or sponsorship to help us continue our battle and help more children and families struggling with pediatric cancer.
Please consider a donation or sponsorship to help us continue our battle and help more children and families struggling with pediatric cancer.
Please consider a donation or sponsorship to help us continue our battle and help more children and families struggling with pediatric cancer.
Please consider a donation or sponsorship to help us continue our battle and help more children and families struggling with pediatric cancer.
Please consider a donation or sponsorship to help us continue our battle and help more children and families struggling with pediatric cancer.
Please consider a donation or sponsorship to help us continue our battle and help more children and families struggling with pediatric cancer.
Please consider a donation or sponsorship to help us continue our battle and help more children and families struggling with pediatric cancer.
Please consider a donation or sponsorship to help us continue our battle and help more children and families struggling with pediatric cancer.
Please consider a donation or sponsorship to help us continue our battle and help more children and families struggling with pediatric cancer.
Please consider a donation or sponsorship to help us continue our battle and help more children and families struggling with pediatric cancer.
Please consider a donation or sponsorship to help us continue our battle and help more children and families struggling with pediatric cancer.
Please consider a donation or sponsorship to help us continue our battle and help more children and families struggling with pediatric cancer.
Please consider a donation or sponsorship to help us continue our battle and help more children and families struggling with pediatric cancer.
Please consider a donation or sponsorship to help us continue our battle and help more children and families struggling with pediatric cancer.
Please consider a donation or sponsorship to help us continue our battle and help more children and families struggling with pediatric cancer.
Please consider a donation or sponsorship to help us continue our battle and help more children and families struggling with pediatric cancer.
Please consider a donation or sponsorship to help us continue our battle and help more children and families struggling with pediatric cancer.
Please consider a donation or sponsorship to help us continue our battle and help more children and families struggling with pediatric cancer.
Please consider a donation or sponsorship to help us continue our battle and help more children and families struggling with pediatric cancer.
Please consider a donation or sponsorship to help us continue our battle and help more children and families struggling with pediatric cancer.
Please consider a donation or sponsorship to help us continue our battle and help more children and families struggling with pediatric cancer.
Please consider a donation or sponsorship to help us continue our battle and help more children and families struggling with pediatric cancer.
Please consider a donation or sponsorship to help us continue our battle and help more children and families struggling with pediatric cancer.
Please consider a donation or sponsorship to help us continue our battle and help more children and families struggling with pediatric cancer.
Laynee’s fight began back in December of 2012 when she started having clots appear in her diaper. Concerned her parents took her to the local emergency room that dismissed their claims and sent them home. Shortly after Laynee’s vagina began prolapsing, and she was rushed to the ED once again, but this time a pediatric ED who was able to diagnose what they believed quickly was rhabdomyosarcoma. Further testing confirmed their suspicions, and a large tumor was found in her vagina. Shortly after that, Laynee began chemotherapy post-Broviac placement. Laynee fought long and hard while her three older sisters stood by her. Her central line became her “tubey” and being bald “was beautiful.” Watching her family stand by her and shave their heads was one of the most powerful things to watch. Her spirit was never relenting. Laynee endured intense chemotherapy until November 2013 when the best line a parent could ever hear was uttered… “No evidence of disease.”
The life-threatening battle was over for now. The chemo caused extensive tooth decay and physical delays, but hey we were out of the woods. Laynee worked tirelessly with PT and OT at both St. Christopher’s and the local school district to “just be a regular kid again.” We enjoyed nearly two years of clean scans and that oh so joyous phrase “no evidence of disease,” until two weeks ago. Laynee went in for her routine scans when “no evidence of disease” was off the table. How could this happen when rhabdomyosarcoma? This was not the plan. What else could we do besides wait on the biopsy of both the original tumor site and her bladder (where the new tumor was found). After days of an agonizing wait we got the news we were hoping not to hear, both sites are positive for rhabdomyosarcoma. Laynee will not only be undergoing intense multi-drug chemotherapy but radiation as well. This Friday Laynee has her PET scan and next week bilateral bone marrow biopsies to see if her cancer has metastasized. After that, her port will be placed on Wednesday during the bone marrow aspiration, and chemotherapy will be started immediately after.
Best case scenario Laynee will have local spread, and hopefully, the chemo and radiation will be enough (we were warned that her ovaries would have to be frozen to preserve fertility and her bladder will most likely be destroyed, leading the nephrectomy tubes). This next line is the most challenging line to write; if her cancer has metastasized, there is nothing more we can do but attempt to prolong Laynee’s life since it will have become terminal.
Please consider a donation or sponsorship to help us continue our battle and help more children and families struggling with pediatric cancer.
After multiply failed attempts for a cure, we are sad to say Asiana is currently on Hospice care.
Please consider a donation or sponsorship to help us continue our battle and help more children and families struggling with pediatric cancer.
Kyanna is an adorable 4-year-old little girl who was diagnosed with High-Risk Neuroblastoma on May 28, 2014. The intended treatment plan was for Kyanna to undergo chemotherapy, surgery, MIBG treatment, radiation, and immunotherapy in an effort for a cure. Unfortunately, it was determined that Kyanna has Refractory disease and had to be removed from standard protocol treatment. She then began a trial medication in the hopes of a response and to shift the treatment from cure to chronic management of the illness. After several months on this therapy, Kyanna then progressed again. Kyanna has recently been placed on a trial medication combined with a different chemotherapy regiment, which is early on in its study and administration to patients. It has been offered in the hopes of proving to benefit this little girl.
Please consider a donation or sponsorship to help us continue our battle and help more children and families struggling with pediatric cancer.
Camryn Cruz is an eight-year-old boy that was diagnosed in 2013 with Alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma on his birthday. His treatment has changed several times in the hopes of staying ahead of his cancer. Camryn lives with his family in Pottstown, PA. He loves video games, going out to eat, and going to school when he is feeling well. Camryn is bright, personable, and creative. He continues to fight his cancer every day with the support and love of his family, friends, and school.
Please consider a donation or sponsorship to help us continue our battle and help more children and families struggling with pediatric cancer.
On April 7th, 2015, Virginia Rose was taken to the Dr. for a rash that developed during Spring Break. Thinking we would get an ointment or referral to a dermatologist, we were blindsided when they sent us to the ER. That night we were told that it looked like cancer. Our hearts sank. Our little girl, full of life and enjoying Easter just two days ago, was now in a battle for her life. On April 9th, it was confirmed that she has AML, and on the 13th, she was classified as High Risk due to mutated chromosome 7 (monosomy 7). She started and finished ten-day induction chemo and will be tested on the 23rd to see how successful that treatment was. She has not left the hospital since the 7th. The first round of Chemo did take out some cancer, but not what we were hoping for. She has developed pneumonia and a partially collapsed left lung. They will go back in for another biopsy on May 8th and then start the second round of Chemo. She had two CT scans as they monitor her lungs. She is staying in the hospital while her body tries to recover from chemo and fight this infection. Her blasts are down from 51% to 46% after induction 1 and have started induction 2 on May 8th. Our two boys, RJ (5) and Samuel (2) have been very strong. Praise God Samuel is a 100% match for Virginia, so if a marrow transplant is needed, he is all set. Please be in prayer for us all. This has taken us all by surprise and our heads are still spinning.
Virginia has been currently transferred to St. Jude’s for intensive treatment.
Please consider a donation or sponsorship to help us continue our battle and help more children and families struggling with pediatric cancer.
Isabella’s first year was the worst; she got so sick so many times and spent months in the hospital. She has overcome a lot in this past year. From getting an NG tube because she refused to take her medicine, due to having the worst mouth sores from chemo. Also using the NG tube to have her gain some weight. Now Bella has no feeding tube, takes her medicine by mouth, and is gaining weight on her own. She still has a year or so to go with treatments. We hope she doesn’t fall sick again.
Please consider a donation or sponsorship to help us continue our battle and help more children and families struggling with pediatric cancer.
Ariel was diagnosed with a rare childhood cancer called Neuroblastoma and started chemotherapy on Thursday, May 22nd, 2014, she has a long list of treatments ahead, but she is keeping her head up and living life and enjoying her time being a kid while at home between treatments.
Please consider a donation or sponsorship to help us continue our battle and help more children and families struggling with pediatric cancer.
Brayden went for a CBC related to a rash that he had developed in February 2014. The outbreak was known as HSP, which has no connection to Leukemia. The Doctor ordered two follow-up blood tests. The night of May 20th, I took Brayden for his blood work, which I wanted to get done before we left for the beach on the 22nd. That night I couldn’t sleep. I was up all night googling “rash, anemia, fever, and high white blood count”. All signs pointed in one direction- Leukemia. The next day I called the Doctors office as soon as they opened. I told them my concern and that I wanted the results as quickly as possible. The Doctor ended up calling me an hour later, I again told him my fear and that is when he told me this blood work contained some “red flags.” We were sent to Reading Hospital for STAT blood work – testing for Leukemia. My husband left work to meet my sister and me there. I was trying to stay as strong as possible for my son, but in reality, I wanted to break down into a million pieces. How can this be real? We weren’t even home yet, and we got a phone call from Reading Pediatrics, asking where we wanted to be admitted. My husband and I headed to CHOP. I had a million things running through my head. What is going on? How can this be happening? My son is only three years old… We sat in a cold dark room for hours with nurses, doctors, hematologists, and oncologists coming in and out. That was where they confirmed my worst nightmare. I am 8 months pregnant, and my son has cancer.
Brayden was admitted for almost three weeks until we were released. We spend a lot of time driving on the road to and from the clinic for treatments. Brayden is considered high-risk because of the number of Leukemic cells that were still in his bone marrow after his first phase of chemo. Today he started his 5th phase. He has a large cheerleading section routing him on including his best friend- his 7-month-old brother. I have stopped working to fight this battle with my son every step of the way.
Please consider a donation or sponsorship to help us continue our battle and help more children and families struggling with pediatric cancer.
Mason was your typical boys, boy with love for baseball, and a fellow Berks County resident. His life was forever changed when he was diagnosed in 2010 with a benign brain tumor, in 2013 he was diagnosed with dermoid cyst on the floor of his mouth, and then diagnosed in Aug 2013 with ATRT Bladder Cancer, after various treatments, Mason relapsed with cancer in multiple areas and succumbed to the disease in May 2014.
Mason had a heart of gold; he stayed strong and positive throughout his journey. Mason was the first fighter we helped and will forever hold a special place at Laney’s Legacy of Hope.
Because of angels like Mason, we will never stop fighting!
Please consider a donation or sponsorship to help us continue our battle and help more children and families struggling with pediatric cancer.
Miguel was diagnosed with high risk acute lymphoblastic leukemia on Feb. 19th, 2014. Miguel has spent the past ten months in and out of the hospital. Miguel currently is receiving IV chemotherapy in the outpatient clinic at Hershey Medical Center every week. He is also receiving oral chemotherapy at home. Miguel is expected to remain in treatment for another two years. Miguel has had several unexpected admissions to the hospital for side effects of chemotherapy, including fever and mouth sores.
Please consider a donation or sponsorship to help us continue our battle and help more children and families struggling with pediatric cancer.
Angelina was your typical happy, healthy little girl with a smile that could light up the darkest of nights. Angelina celebrated her 10th birthday on April 22nd. On April 23rd she was admitted to CHOP and diagnosed with Synovial Sarcoma, a rare and aggressive form of soft tissue cancer. She had a tumor in her intestines that was determined inoperable due to its size, and her only option was to start chemotherapy treatments in hopes to shrink the tumor. She immediately began chemotherapy on the 23rd of April, one day after her 10th birthday. After seven rounds of chemo, it was determined that she would need radiation and proton therapy, which she received 25 rounds combined.
The last year hasn’t been easy for Angelina or her family, but as of December 2014, we are happy to report her recent scans to show she is CANCER free! Her journey doesn’t end there though she will be going every three months for scans to ensure no new growth, but we are so happy Angelina has the chance to live a “normal” life the way kids her age should live.
Please consider a donation or sponsorship to help us continue our battle and help more children and families struggling with pediatric cancer.
Thank you for your interest in becoming one of Laney’s Angels through Laney’s Legacy of Hope. Complete this application if you desire to hold a fundraiser in the hopes of assisting high risk pediatric cancer patients and funding research. Your time and effort will help others with their fight. Take action against childhood cancer!
Where to start…It started with my son Rey as we call him, with headaches and nausea, throwing up every morning took him to hospitals to his Primary care Doctors and nothing the one thing that worried me he had vision problems started with double vision and then black outs his eye doctor spend a whole hour and recommended an MRI January 21,2013 expected everything to be ok but the worst news ever he had a Brain tumor stage 3 admitted right away and January 24 2013 surgery took place and my lil boy fought for his life and made it !
Chemotherapy was given for three months followed by MRIs every 3months and a year hadn’t passed since his last Chemotherapy when on April 11, 2014, we got another bad news he has not one but two tumors that came back, so he is in active treatments, stem cells removed to give back after his last chemotherapy is giving!!!! He is a fighter, and won’t give up yes he is scared every day that goes by, but we have faith in God he will make through it! He is currently home school, and he is doing great he is in 7th grade in Lebanon Middle School and misses all his friends and the things he enjoyed before, he also has a little chihuahua name Mico. All we can do is have FAITH and make the best of the situation!!
Rey had another tumor September 5, 2017, we decided to go to Washington to children’s hospital to do trial medication, but it didn’t work, so they decide to remove the tumor at Hershey. It went great but less than a month later two more tumors grew, they decided to remove the cancer on Dec 19, 2017, Dec 20th MRI was conducted, and they found a small tumor that wasn’t initially visible. Due to the location, he was not a candidate for surgery. January 9, 2018, he went in for a gamma knife procedure and Sunday morning Jan 28, 2018, he suffered two seizures. Monday morning Jan 29th, 2018, they found two new tumors. We are waiting to hear what treatment he can get to avoid the tumors to get any bigger.
Rey can’t catch a break he has missed the whole school year. He can’t do much but t sit and play ps4 or watch movies or sleep due to him being nauseous or restless nights!
Please keep Rey in your prayers as he continues to fight this cancer!
Please consider a donation or sponsorship to help us continue our battle and help more children and families struggling with pediatric cancer.
Laney spent almost 150 consecutive days admitted to Hershey hospital. We tried to make this period of time fun for Laney by playing jokes on the doctors and nurses, baking with her easy bake oven, painting her room’s window with murals, and doing arts and crafts.
The process of getting her leukemia cells down had gone much slower than most and had required very high doses of chemotherapy. Laney had undergone multiple bone marrow biopsies, spinal taps, and tube insertions. Throughout the process she remained upbeat and optimistic. She had faith that her cure was on the horizon and she would be healed. When they finally got the cancer cells as low as they could get them they started to prepare her for a bone marrow transplant.
She required full body radiation (total body eradication), high dose chemo therapy, and immunosuppressants prior to her transplant which happened on September 19th. She received umbilical cord stem cells because her cancer was so aggressive and came back so fast that they couldn’t risk the time needed to prep a bone marrow donor. We needed these new cells to kill off the last small amount of cancer that the chemo and radiation were ineffective in killing.
She had spent over a month out of the hospital without any complications. Towards the end of November she acquired a virus. The doctors were giving her medication outpatient to hold the virus at bay till her new immune system kicked in and began to produce virus fighting cells. They were able to treat her outpatient for a couple weeks but even with the medication her viral count continued to climb.
On December 8th she developed a fever and they decided to admit her to the hospital. She wasn’t feeling well during this time and began to lose weight. Her viral count was still rising as well. Then on December 17th we received the most devastating news, that they had found cancer cells in Laney’s blood again. We were told that if they treated the cancer with chemotherapy it would kill off any cells that were keeping the virus from taking over her body and she would die. And if they treated the virus the cancer would overtake her body and she would die. They estimated that she had a couple days to a week to live.
No parent ever wants to hear that there is nothing that they can do for your child. I will never forget that moment when my world was shattered and my heart broke. We made the decision to take her home. She hadn’t been home since July so it was important that she got to come home for her last moments of life surrounded by family and friends.
Laney was discharged from the hospital on December 19th the day before her 8th birthday. We celebrated her birthday on the 20th and Santa came early for her on the 21st. We tried to keep her as comfortable as possible.
On Christmas morning (Dec. 25 2013) at 3:10am Laney took her last breath in the arms of me and her father. We experienced a brutal emotional pain that day and every day since, a pain that no parent should ever have to bare.
Our children lost their sibling and Kylee, her sister, lost her best friend. Our world has forever been changed. We miss her dearly everyday and are anxious for the day we get to meet her in heaven with her pink glittery angel wings.
Laney was so courageous, hopeful, and inspiring throughout her battle with cancer. She inspired us to start this foundation, not only to remember her, but to help other children and families struggling with pediatric cancer. We know that Laney is smiling down on us from heaven as we continue the fight to eradicate pediatric cancer. Of course we would not be able to continue the fight without the support of family, friends, volunteers and donors.