Piper Irias
Age: 2 • Diagnosis: Stage 4 Neuroblastoma • Date of Diagnosis: 05/17/19
Meet Piper, a feisty, red-headed two-year-old.
This past spring, her mother noticed she was limping. She took Piper to the doctor, who then sent her to Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP).
On May 16, 2019, the doctors at CHOP found a mass inside Piper’s belly, which was pushing down on her hip and causing the limp. On May 17, they discovered Piper has neuroblastoma, a rare cancer that accounts for 7-10% of childhood cancers. It has metastasized into her bones and other parts of her body (Stage M cancer).
Never in a million years did her mom think a limp would lead to this. At two years old, Piper is starting a long journey toward recovery.
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