Kyanna Harris
Age: 4 (passed away February 10 2011-June 18th 2016) | Diagnosis: Neuroblastoma | Date of Diagnosis: 05/28/2014
Kyanna is an adorable 4-year-old little girl who was diagnosed with High-Risk Neuroblastoma on May 28, 2014. The intended treatment plan was for Kyanna to undergo chemotherapy, surgery, MIBG treatment, radiation, and immunotherapy in an effort for a cure. Unfortunately, it was determined that Kyanna has Refractory disease and had to be removed from standard protocol treatment. She then began a trial medication in the hopes of a response and to shift the treatment from cure to chronic management of the illness. After several months on this therapy, Kyanna then progressed again. Kyanna has recently been placed on a trial medication combined with a different chemotherapy regiment, which is early on in its study and administration to patients. It has been offered in the hopes of proving to benefit this little girl.
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